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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Kalyx ######

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I've been lurking around, i see all of these articles and threads and whatnot about being like super-duper anonymous online and keeping away from all sort of data-mining or 'surveillance'. But nowhere does it explain the motivation behind it. Can you either explain this to me or link me to an explanation on why this is important?
This is coming from someone who doesn't care that his porn-bookmarks might be datamined for google-ads, someone that doesn't mind if their phone number is next to another thousand of phonenumbers because i put it on facebook so people can find me easily, i just dont see the point of going through the inconvenience of dodging all of these nets that want to know what websites i frequent the most.
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Privacy is only important if you have a use for it, will have a use for it later on, or if you care about those people who get weltschmerz from a lack of privacy.
Privacy is useless to many people in ways that its advocated will not be able to comprehend until they learn to see past their own value judgments. It is not an absolute value that is always preferable. Human rights do not exist unless somebody enforces the illusion that they do. Things that do not exist have little value on their own.

I don't mind anyone advocating privacy, but if you do, please make sure you don't confuse your impressions and theories of the world with the actual thing.


All explained in this rather excellent 7min video…

Nearer the end it explains why a surveillance state is an issue.

Basically while we live in a state that most of us agree with the laws its ok - but if a new direction takes hold then all your previous views can be used against you… think Pol Pot, Hitler, Starlin…. Trump?

First they came for the unions, and no one spoke out…
Then they came for the teachers, and no one spoke out…
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out.

Surveillance state is not a good direction and nor is it needed. - Does it make you feel safe?


There is no such thing as "rights" in any form…

There is only what a man can do and what a man can't do… everything else is by agreement of some collective of people.

The reason it works is generally because the collective is more powerful than any individual man.


Thanks for rephrasing my statement, I guess?


Anonymity doesn't exist.

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>The rapid proliferation of encrypted messaging by terrorist networks has prompted the Turnbull government to look at changing laws to force telecommunications and technology firms to help authorities decrypt suspect messages.

This is why we use FOSS Lains, whats next, mandatory HTTPS proxies?

What is it with Anglo States becoming Surveillance states?

>If there are encryption keys then those encryption keys have to be put at the disposal of the authorities.

Yeah Nuh Fuckhead, I'll just keep using my own keys.

>Terrorists could write their own encryption software or migrate to apps that were based in out-of-reach jurisdictions.

FOSS Illegal when? When will I be classed as a terrorist for contributing to and hosting FOSS software…

Please note these government pork-chops use Wickr to communicate and prevent the public from seeing what they says via "Freedom of Information" requests.

>Privacy for me, but not for thee.
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Colonialism is when people from one country settle in another one, and once there continue to have the same culture they had at home.
A colony is a territory so settled.
Simple as that.


Why didn't they redivide the country among the different ethnic groups then?
Somalia is probably the most homogeneous country in Africa, but it's not a prosperous nation state.


The premise that anglo states do the most spying is surely a false one when remember that China exists. Perhaps Russia too, I don't really know.


That was always mostly inside their own borders (and are forever lambasted in the press for it)
Anglo states were caught doing not only that, but also regards all foreign citizens as potential 'terrorists' (and got some headlines, through a limited number of news agencies, others heavily distorting or refusing to report on it)

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As the title says, by Nov. 1 "all software and websites related to circumventing internet filtering in Russia, including VPN software, anonymizers, and instructions on how to circumvent government website blocking" will be derezzed. On 2018 "companies registered in Russia as "organizers of information dissemination", such as online messaging applications, will not be permitted to allow unidentified users".
Severs and ISP providers have this soykaf installed
Censorship is getting worse year by year, all the data is accessible without court orders
>recent amendments to the Communications Ministry's “Information Society” program aim to have 99 percent of Russian Internet traffic transferred to within the country's borders by 2020
Any russian here? What will these laws bring? What can we do to help people there?
I think a mesh network is pretty doable in Moscow.
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we hope so


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Russia is just a test to see if it works. Some of the best network engineers and "hackers" are in Russia. They are doing so they can monitor all the ways in which they get through the wall and beef it up so to say for the Americans to take on next.


Maybe you should study history of computing in the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc. Maybe you can see the unique innovations, virus writings and clones of popular western computers.

They went off on a different tangent. It might be interesting to see the devolpments in this alternate world.

Maybe progress will happen there.


Huh, well there's the silver lining. Thanks Lain.


>I think a mesh network is pretty doable in Moscow.
How do you actually imagine that to be? This is not some hippy euro country where you can set up laser transponders, install gsm cells or make long range wifi bridges without raising suspicion from commoners, federal radio committee, police and military
>oi blyat marivanna, vladimir is setting up antennas on our commieblock roof, must be a western spy!
There is a loophole in law however, using circumvention tools to access means of labor by employees is not prohibited. This basically means you can access foreign servers through tunelling protocols especially if your employer is a foreign company
This law still carries no prosecution for users as I remember, only domain/ip blocking for said circumvention services and the second law about messaging services that states that messaging apps should not violate your confidentiality without court order (they actually follow constitution, how cute)
>they don't know that xmpp and tox exist
And finally according to OONI most ISPs (Rostelecom puppets mostly) filter traffic with squid proxy giving placeholder page on blocked domains, so no DPI and GFW soykaf YET so far, but the narration implies it and SORM developers actually know their soykaf and will deliver soon.

tl;dr will code for food and vpn pls hire me
for all russlains: use tor with obfuscated bridges, don't use telegram and watsapp or anything that asks for your phone number for private chatting, install xmpp client that supports OTR or OMEMO, connect through foreign servers, it's really easy, like creating a email account.

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Just throwing it out there. Maybe you already know. But figured I should broadcast.

Humble Bundle currently have a Wiley cybersecurity book bundle. 4 days left.
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Actually I think all of them are on Libgen. If you find one that isn't, let us know.

I was sorry for harshing your buzz. You clearly bought the books, felt food about it, and wanted more people to feel good about it. And then you go and post that. I'll spare everyone the recrimination and say cya.


I buy things. thanks op.


Information wants to be free


I'll put it up on the tracker,


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Read the title. Does one exist? If one does, can we build one? Do you agree that it would be the ideal anti-establishment solution for the cyberrebels of the near future?
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Dude, is Netshuku dead? Their last posting or anything was from like, 2014.


No. One guy is rewriting it and he will be soon (by soon I mean at the start of the next year) release the full working, documented software.


Nice. Any resources to stay up to day or is it a kind of waiting game right now? Also is their mailing list inactive as of right now?



A couple dozen interviews
>Founder interviews
>We interview the passionate people who start decentralization projects. What motivates them? What's unique about their technologies? What business model do they use?

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It seems like we are on the crux of a big change in the paradigm of computing; namely distribution is in vogue again. We have so many new technologies trying to be foundational infrastructure for the future, and I'm beginning to wonder what it will look like when/if these technologies mature. To name a few of the things I'm talking about there's cryptocurrencies/blockchain technology, ipfs, matrix, and urbit (to ignore all the decentralized social media platforms that have sprung up). These technologies all tackle different use cases, but all of them promote decentralization, open source, and user responsibility of data, in regards to both security and privacy. I'm not even taking into account other recent trends of AI research, the internet of things, biohacking or "actual" cyber-security, but thats an entirely different ball game.
My question is what happens when/if these technologies get main stream adoption. when we all have urbit accounts across all our devices to identify ourselves, communicate easily and securely over matrix, publish with ipfs and trade with cryptos? what impact will they have on society and technology at large, if any at all? id like to believe it will fundamentally change many things about the way we live and interact with technology, but am i just getting caught up in the hype? being somebody that almost exclusively uses open source (or at least tries to), im excited for open source technology to push boundaries that closed source software cant or wont go near, but will it really have any impact?
being cyberpunks we often pride ourselves on our freedom, rationality, curiosity and cooperation, so what does the world look like when these ideas become the norm? do these technologies realistically portray the ideas they say they do?
looking at it today, cryptos are by far the most mature of these technologies and already have caused a 'significant' disruption to fields historically nearly untouched by technology. we've already seen the effects its had in combination with tor and dark net markets, and now its being adopted by things like open bazaar which feature a combination of these technologies; ipfs and cryptos (which i believe also has insane social implications). however cryptos are also fundamentally the most different of the lot, where as the others seem more like pieces of the same puzzle that enable cryptos to increase their impact on society but are not fundamentally things we weren't able to do before (comPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>All the tech you listed will eventually be jewed by some corporation.
I'll be that guy and say fork it.

>it's just accelerating the dystopian conditions in society because we are unable to change ourselves first.

I think it can be true in that people might want to "switch allegiances" to a different piece of software and that would really be an illussion of progress because the new normal would become the de facto standard. Like what happened with bitcoin in the area of cryptocurrencies.
I think that the right way would be to make software that helps users make use of the different alternatives. An close example is, it's a "second level" search engine; you give it your search term and it looks it up in wikipedia, goo, bing, and some more and shows you the results. I think that programs like that, but for foss/decentralized software is where it's at.

What needs mainstream adoption is the idea, not a particular program, device or protocol. Are we right?

Move to a dumb city.

>that is no reason to think that society would be ok with it.
A thing about the tech being decentralized is that you can pack up and leave, you're not tied to your ISP, bank account, etc. It's a very different paradigm.

>What happens when crypto currency lobby groups form

It's already happening, I think it was in the EU. Look up "bitcoin regulation" and you'll surely find something. It's in the "put the idea out there phase" IIRC.

>pay off vendors to only accept one type of coin at their shops?

Visa has a "go cashless" thing for stores, that's their thing. But if you're talking cryptocoins, the thing is that not only should the currency itself be decentralized, but the whole cryptocoin environment should use different coins.


>A thing about the tech being decentralized is that you can pack up and leave, you're not tied to your ISP, bank account, etc. It's a very different paradigm.

The whole point of that post was that without society accepting people who pack up and leave you won't be able to live a normal life and not have a breadcrumb trail. Decentralization means nothing if people still want breadcrumb trails. Most of the tech you listed still leaves a trail of what the person is up to even if it's decentralized. Unless it becomes normal for people to put effort into not getting tracked the tracking will continue. It would also not be surprising if employers and landlords didn't want anything to do with someone who does not have a history they could look at.


>The government will always want control and they will do anything to keep it, whether it's secretly cracking the system and watching whom ever they want, or failing that just straight up outlawing systems they struggle to crack.

In this case, the technology isn't the problem. It's the negative applications of it. It's better to fight back against negative applications of it, rather than become an absolute hermit, like I've seen many suggest when confronted with the surveillance-rife nightmare of the modern world.

Political/cultural revolutions go hand-in-hand with "digital revolutions." The technology empowers people, which creates more awareness about it, which empowers even more people. It's a gray-area where the two can get hard to tell apart. They feed into each other symbiotically.


>You say they will fundamentally change many things about how we live and interact with tech but you don't mention anything that you envision.
its hard to envision the culture that will surround decentralized "apps" like these, in the same way it was hard to envision the current crypto epidemic when bitcoin was first launched. i completely agree that it comes down to users and culture, and thats what im asking about. we are yet to see what happens if bitcoin gets mainstream adaption, though its happening slowly, especially in east asian countries.

>What happens when it's just another form of mandatory ID everyone you interact with wants to use it to track you

i take it you didnt read about urbit. youre in control of your data, its entirely open source, and you can run your own instance for you personally. reputation is an important part of identity and being able to prove youre reputable without being tracked is an important part of both online and offline life.

>What happens when crypto currency lobby groups form and try to pay off vendors to only accept one type of coin at their shops

this is an interesting question. what coin would they pick and why? where do these lobby groups come from? who can really say, right?

>What use is an anonymous internet when most sites refuse to allow you to view them without providing a legit urbit or something?

psuedonymity and anonymity are not at arms with each other. being truly anonymous is already a pipedream for the current internet we utilize. if a state nation wanted to expose you theres literally nothing you can do to stop it.

>All I think this means is that those who wish to be anonymous and private will have an easier time of it and won't stick out as much.
this is very much a good thing. whether or not mainstream culture adopts it, having the option to utilize such tech is a big benefit.

> you aren't entitled to neither decentralised living, anonymity nor privacy of information.

with the exception of anonymity, both of the others are possible if you try to bring them into Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I ecpect the main benefit of things like IPFS and SAFE Network to be a potential resurgance of designing personal websites rather than relying on blog/social media formats, as well as possibly a reduction in reliance on advertising. These occurances would in turn hopefully bring more focus back to personal, non-commercialized projects. Even some commercial efforts could be taken in a less heavily monitized direction if faced with lower hosting costs via distributed computing wherein visitors help distribute data to other visitors.

Being able to set up a program that does "server-side" stuff even though you can't run your own server seems like it'd open up doors for a lot of things, culturally. Ways of organizing, sorting through, and displaying data specialized to particular uses rather than the one-size-fits all of search engines. Even aside from that, though, I think it'd help give people a greater sense of ownership of their pages compared to with conventional free hosting sites, and could preserve historic sites more reliably since they'd continue being stored in the distributed system as long as people keep visiting.

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>Recent “philanthropic” interest in universal pre-kindergarten, early literacy interventions and post-graduation plans (college, career, military or certifications) does not stem from some benevolent impulse. Rather it is about creating opportunities to embed digital frameworks into our education systems that reduce children’s lives to datasets. Once education is simplified as 1s and 0s, global finance will be well-positioned to speculate (gamble) on the future prospects of any given child, school, or district.

>That is what accounts for intrusive preschool assessments like TS Gold and the pressure for middle school students to complete Naviance strengths assessments. Impact investors need baseline data, growth data and “value added” data to assess ROI (return on investment). There are opportunities for profit all along this human-capital value chain. That is why end-of-year testing had to go in favor of constant, formative assessments. That is why they needed to implement VAM (Value Added Measures) and SLOs (Student Learning Objectives). These speculative markets will demand a constant influx of dynamic data. Where is this student, this class, this district compared with where they were projected to be? We need to know. Our bottom line depends on it.

Why are people not rioting against this? Is this really the future of education we want?
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>Schools doing that would only feed the ad revenue shortlink mirror sites in Russia get to help people cheat and pirate things.
Yeah, or p2p. I wonder if they will feature blocking of smart glasses, smart watches and such for this type of situation.

>I have heard the Gates program is effective at what it does, the problem is that many of the children wind up socially retarded or deal with an insane level of stress
Some time ago it was all over the internet that they wanted to measure that with biometrics. It was a wristband that measured a substance we segregate when we're relaxed, they wanted to have the students wear that.

>It produces an intelligent individual but I have not heard anything regarding those coming out as well-adjusted.

>it lacks many of the components that give that culture its success
Yep, it's the making of a good worker 2.0, new version because it's not factories anymore. Now it's code-monkeying, being datamined, and many flavors of guarding the bee. Do one thing, and be dumb for everything else.

>it is importing Asias problem of high stress schooling to the United States

Students won't be able to bear with it, suicides rates will go up and emo will be a thing again. WHEN I WAS


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> Yeah, or p2p. I wonder if they will feature blocking of smart glasses, smart watches and such for this type of situation. Kids and those in closed off situations become very inventive, or manipulative. I remember seeing a girl cheat on her final once by keeping the phone on her desk at the minimal led strength to look up answers. Other things are organized diversion games with the teacher being called to one side of the room to enable the kids on the other end to cheat. Cameras are already a proposed notion for this but I doubt they'll be successful between student observation, legal challenges, and the lack of attentive personnel. As for p2p it might be an alternative but things like that require more of the technological disinformation to maintain the illiteracy we see now. Arms races always tend to end with the offensive strategies winning.
>Some time ago it was all over the internet that they wanted to measure that with biometrics. It was a wristband that measured a substance we segregate when we're relaxed, they wanted to have the students wear that.
I think they jumped the gun on their datamining plan a little too early then.
>Yep, it's the making of a good worker 2.0, new version because it's not factories anymore. Now it's code-monkeying, being datamined, and many flavors of guarding the bee. Do one thing, and be dumb for everything else.
I think it will cause crime to skyrocket. The reason public school is beneficial to kids is that it socializes them to everyone else, homeschool doesn't do this, the child doesn't learn life independent of the family. The folks who come out of that are usually docile but they will be likely targets for criminal victimization. Timid wimps who would be afraid to even report the crime.
> Students won't be able to bear with it, suicides rates will go up and emo will be a thing again.
I don't know if it will do anything as cancerous as bring emo to cultural relevance but the suicide rate will definitely change. I want to say emo was half a marketing scheme and half children who had a odd sense of ennui growing up. Misery doesn't need a commercial brand to show itself.


>The reason public school is beneficial to kids is that it socializes them to everyone else
I think that there are better ways to socialize, namely meeting people in interest groups like music classes, woodworking workshops, volleyball, etc. or randomly meet people and your friends' friends and befriend the ones you like. That'd also do a lot against how some children (or teens) suffer alienation, discrimination, bullying and such due to the compulsory interaction with people they don't like.
Still, I don't think homeschooling is the best choice. A good study group can teach you better than the average teacher, professor, parent or computer program and you get to do socials with people you choose.
But yeah, friends are good and digital classrooms don't help.

>The folks who come out of that are usually docile but they will be likely targets for criminal victimization.

I don't know anybody who's been/being homeschooled, but I would guess that they would do socials somewhere else, and maybe even bring a couple friends to the homeschool. But I'm guessing.


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>That'd also do a lot against how some children (or teens) suffer alienation, discrimination, bullying and such due to the compulsory interaction with people they don't like.

I think that would only accomplish creating more people coming out of schools who lack the ability to empathize due to the insular nature of what their interactions will be.

>I don't know anybody who's been/being homeschooled, but I would guess that they would do socials somewhere else, and maybe even bring a couple friends to the homeschool. But I'm guessing.

If I remember correctly youtube has entire sections of their website dominated by children who have been homeschooled their entire life. Theirs a section of youtube dedicated to kids showcasing their homeschool routines I don't see any assertiveness in them. Its why I hold the opinion they would make easy targets for crime. In addition to the fact their socialization might come entirely from the internet.


Oh yeah, those are fun!
I got saddled with a remedial class in high school where the entire thing was done via computer. You don't even have to trial-and-error the quizzes, because you can just ^C^V the question into google and the answer'll be the first result.

I didn't learn a single fucking thing, but my teachers thought I was brilliant because I was savvy enough to plow through it via Google.

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Here is a .svg of the hyperface camo. I apologize this was the first time I tried something like this and I maybe screwing it up. If I did any points would be great.
This is a link to the original thread .org/sec/res/246.html

If anyone else has some ideas please share. soykaf is scary.
Here is some spooky stuff. If you are not familiar with this video it is sort of depressing how bad it is but we can not get mopey like a bunch of cunts. Defcon: Privacy's Dead.


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Sorry I suppose I should explain what HyperFace is for those that are unfamiliar.

"HyperFace is a new kind of camouflage that aims to reduce the confidence score of facial detection and recognition by providing false faces that distract computer vision algorithms"


nice, but, it's still not tiling…
did you just use inkscape's "tracke bitmap" tool with 26 grey steps? because the rounded corners look like it.

make an svg tiling, especially using inkscape, is near impossible, i think.
it would be easiest to first make the pixel graphics tiling, then retry tracing.
maybe i get around to do that, do you have your version of the pixel version hyperface you used to trace?

essentially something like this:


Thank you. I never did anything like this. I really appreciate the tip.



That's called Dazzle

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this whole Net Neutrality thing is really pissing me off and honestly if anything happens to it I think I might actually kill myself.
The INTERNET is the only place where I feel like I can truly be myself for it to be taken away from is, is to be taking my sanctuary from me.
No one quite understands me like this computer does.
If anyone has any idea of what to do if this nightmare becomes a reality is there any browser I can use to protect me and others who feel the same from this fate?
Tor can work right?
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Someone recently did an analysis on the FCC, unveiling quite the scandal leading to further investigation by the Guardian and the Washington Post.



OP, do you understand what is net neutrality and what are regulations on it?
Net neutrality is untampered internet connection, at full speed, namely to ISP's backbone or local exchange point as advised in your connection plan or whatever is according to your local laws.
Lack of net neutrality can be anything. It can be a form of form of Internet censorship, domain, ip, protocol blocking, traffic shaping, download/upload limits, or "data caps" in burger newspeak.
So, which one will your ISP will implement? I do not fucking know. It can be a combination of many, something like unlimited access to Netflix with 1 terabyte of data on everything else, like in good ol' days of Usenet and modem connections. It could be bandwidth restrictions or per-hour pay, I do not fucking know.
As per Tor. you are trying to compare soft with warm. Your ISP might limit bandwidth on everything that is not Amazon and Netflix, or block all (public) Tor entry nodes and mirrors, or Tor traffic (not obfucscated), or shape everything that is not TLS/SSL connecting to good goy domains and so on, and so on.
Then (only in this particular situation only) your choice would be to connect through amazon-meek bridge, just because Amazon and it's ddos cloud protection IP swarm are tor-friendly.


your worst problem with internet is these soykafty monopoly positions where your ISPs put themselves through lobbying and nothing about that whole controversy will do anything about that spit

you're always dramatic about the most inane bullbit I fugging hate americans nuke yourselves already you ruined my week


OP, it's like >>1128 said; you may see some special package deals that offer benefits for certain commercial web traffic such as Netflix or Spotify, but at the end of the day nobody is going to be fuarking too hard with your internet connection; the reason being they still want/need your money.

And besides, we're already capable of routing around entire fucking nation states meddling if we need to, how's this going to be any different?

Git gud, or get rekt.

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Should political power be invest into machines, do Humans deserve to make there own decision's after Mankind's long history of bloody war, persecution, genocide and exploitation of others?

Should the world we pass onto future generations be left to the whims of the individual or a A.I?

Aren't are own current governments noting more then a system of bureaucratic procures , checks and balances i.e a legal-political machine, our control over society is all ready a illusion, so why don't we just get rid of the illusion and let A.I's do the work?
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How tf is that "capitalism"? That's a dictatorship.


It's not authoritarian if it's automated
It's not monarchy if it's not human
It's not immoral if it's efficient
Trust the experts


Capitalism is the dictatorship of Capital.


If it has a state, money and wage labor it's Capitalism.


>one programm to bind them, to rule them all.
Where in that was "capital", "money", or "wage labor" mentioned?

I don't even know where to begin with refuting that.

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